Welcome to ClapDat.com - Home of the Best Amateur Porn

You will be amazed by our collection of homemade porn videos.


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Best Homemade Amateur Porn on the Internet

ClapDat.com (previouly Bangher.net) is a porn site dedicated to the best hardcore amateur/homemade sex videos. You will find the best rough, hardcore videos as well as videos of some very talented females who can ride a cock to save their lives, all made by real amateurs. You will be presented with the greatest black porn that the internet has to offer. We also specialize in Latin and Interracial porn, but if you don't care about a certain racial background, we have some of the best bbc, riding, doggystyle and big booty porn too, just check out our tags to find the type of porn you desire. This website was previous sexhomemade.com but we decided to change to name to something more memorable.

How it works

Videos are ranked by the number of claps that they receive. You can rate a video by clicking on the clap or flop buttons. If you wish to see the videos that you've clapped in the past, You must create an account and navigate to "My Claps" in the main menu. You can also make video title/description suggestions by clicking on the menu button then selecting the "edit" option.

Our promise to you

This homemadexxx site aims to be the best and we don't publish every video that's uploaded. We have a team of moderators who check every xxx videos manually to ensure quality. We try to publish fresh content daily but it's not always possible to find quality porn videos, but the site will have new amateur videos every week for sure. If you watch a video that you don't think is good enough or you don't see the type of porn videos that you like, please leave some feedback and we will do our best to honor your request. So with all that said, enjoy your time on the best amateur porn site on the web.

Our Story

So you might be asking yourself....how did ClapDat come to fruition? Well, the owners of ClapDat are normal persons just like you, not professional businessmen. We found ourselves having to search the larger tube sites perpetually just to find some quality amateur sex tapes, so we thought...What if there was a site that only had the best amateur porn videos? And this is where the vision started. After 6 months of planning, we began making the site and it was finally finished after weeks of hard work. We still have a long way to perfection but we are proud of what we've accomplished in inarguably, a very short period. Some say that we have built the best amateur tube site while others think that out free pporn site is on its way to the top.